Additional information


As always, you should use to pip to install.

>>> pip install clui


clui was developed on Ubuntu Linux Precise Pangolin (12.04) and Mac OS Lion

Colorama claims to be cross platform. I have yet to test it.

It is bundled with clui, under the same license.


  • Blank bug 1


clui depends on colorama for coloring text.

This is the only dependency other than the standard python library.




Callables in python are either function objects, or class objects.
A clui is an abbreviation for Command Line User Interface

A value (string, integer, float) that you can pass to clui for condition tests.

To break the main loop of the clui, have a condition test return a value that is not the condition.

If you want it to continue, then return the condition.

The condition defaults to True.

condition tests
Condition tests are used to regulate the loopage of the program, by returning, or not returning, the set condition.
exit callables
A list of callables that are called right before the program exits, due to an exit word being matched to the user input.
exit words

A list of regex patterns that are used to match to the user input.

If a match is found, exit_callables (if any) are called, the exit_message (if present) is displayed, and the clui is broken.

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